Saturday...the day we all should have free....
From my childhood until now i used to prefer Saturday from Sunday...why?you may ask...the answer is simple,cause after Sunday comes Monday,the day that school starts over,private lessons begine(english,german or even school lessons once more:/)...and the last 5 years awful lessons in an awful university in an even awful "class"...dear God save me
now if i have nothing to do on Monday then things change...i love Sunday,i'm calm and peaceful:)usualy i'm reading news-pappers while i'm drinking 2 or even 3 caps of coffee and then i'm going for a those kind of Sundays but as i grow older i realise that they are not so many as i whould like:/
So Saturday works for me better,i wake up any time i want,watch cartoons on tv,then go for shopping or mostly window shopping:),meet friends for a drink or two or more until the early hours of Sunday morning:)
Somehow that was my day once more only i made some funny summer earrings today for a friend with some help:)and a bag with soft candies:)
(earrings made by civil.a)
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